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James Hayward Huddleston, my father, was born in Marion County, Hamilton, Alabama on the 17th day of February, 1931 to Flavus Forest Huddleston and Lillie Palmer. He told me that he only went to the third grade and we went to his teacher in Portageville, Missouri. He grew up in the great depression and told me life was hard back then. He mentioned to me that our Huddleston family lineage was from four Huddleston brothers who left England to go to America. He said that his family mostly sharecropped to live and work was scarce. I met his older brother, William Henry Huddleston, in Red Bay, Alabama at my grandfather's house. William Henry was a Custom's agent for the state of California. We later went to my Uncle William Henry house in California. I remember him having a registered white toy poodle. I spent more time with my Uncle Coy Lee Huddleston, Dad's only other brother. I remember seeing him a lot growing up and we went to his hotel, called the Grand Hotel, in El Paso, Texas. He also had a motel called the Golden West on Alameda Street in El Paso, Texas. I worked as a night clerk for the Grand Hotel during my summer break form school in the Eleventh grade. Dad liked to drive and we visited my Aunt Suzy Parker in Portageville, Missouri while my Uncle Bill Parker help my dad cut trees on our property in Scopus, Missouri. I can remember eating at my Aunt Florence Navarro's restarant, Lupe's. My Aunt Alice was a lot of fun and my sis and me have fond memories of her. My Aunt Cleo still lives in Alabama and I guess she was the only one that didn't leave. Dad went into the army at 17 and it was the best thing going for us poor folks back then, according to him. My dad told me that my grandpa, Flavus had to leave Arkansas because he was running moonshine to make extra money. Of all my memories of Dad I remember the most is moving and travelling. The Army stationed him everywhere. I was born in Frankfurt, Germany at an Army Hospital and my sister, Vickey was born at a Army Hospital in Fort Knox, Kentucky. Dad was stationed two times in Germany and I went to first thru third grade in Karlsruhe, Germany. Mom and Dad broke up during his second hitch and she stayed in Lutesville, Missouri. My stepmother, Peggy Racho had two kids, Rickey and Jackey, and Rickey lived with us in Frankfurt, Germany on base. We left Germany and I went to school in Camby, Oregon for part of the fourth grade and part of the fourth grade I went to school in Killeen, Texas; when we lived there.I went to stay with my real mother, Margaret Klunk, then since remarried to an Arthur Klunk, who was stationed in Lawton, Oklahoma. He was also Army. I went to school in Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland for my fifth grade and have fond memories of the Cheasepeake Bay by Havde Grace, Maryland. I went to sixth grade in Red Bay, Alabama and lived with my grandmother Lillie. We had to go to school in a Baptist Church since someone had burned the school down the previous year. I went to seventh grade in Lutesville, Missouri and by that time Dad had retired from Army. He was a welding instructor in Maryland and got his twenty years in. He served in the Korean War, the Vietnam War and helped to build bridges in Germany. While in Germany we went to every free country in Europe. I helped Dad cut trees and build a house in Scopus which was close to Lutesville/Marble Hill. I went to eighth grade in Earle and Parkin, Arkansas. I went to tenth grade in Marshall, Arkansas. I went to eleventh grade in Pascagoula, Mississippi and graduated high school in Marshall, Arkansas. Dad got him a place in El Paso working on a ranch and I went into the Army National Guard at the Marshall, Armory. I went to Harrison, Arkansas and Married Teresa Wymore from Alpena, Arkansas. We had two kids, Darrell Dean Huddleston and Sara Jean Huddleston. Dad married an Eunice Denton in Lutesville, Missouri and later a Sherry. A few years back Dad died of heart failure due to his aorta exploding. I met many relatives at the funeral.
I later went to Elsmere, Kentucky, where I live now. I met a woman online and we talked for a year on aol. Dorothy Louise Johnson and I have been married for three years.
My sister Vickey, Aunt Alice, Dad's old gibson guitar, which lasted through the Korean War, and two trips to the Viet Nam War and still to this day plays good, my Grandma Lille nee Palmer(then Huddleston and then Newell) and me(Roy).

Grandma Lillie, Mom, Sis, Me and Dad
Sis, me, and Mom
