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Ursula Amanda Huddleston-wife of John Branch Huddleston-picture above
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John B.6 Huddleston (Thomas7, Thomas Sr.8, Robert Sr9) #852 was born in Amelia Co VA 1816. John died 1891 in Prentiss Co MS.
He married Ursula Amanda Rowland in Marshall Co MS, 8/24/1837. (Ursula Amanda Rowland #853.) John Branch Huddleston was born in Amelia Co. VA in 1816, the son of Thomas Huddleston and Martha Tanner Huddleston. John was 7 years old when his father died in 1823, leaving his mother with 8 children, 3 of whom, Mary, John, and William C., were still under age. Martha moved with her children to Tennessee, moving near one of her older sons near Henderson TN. As a young man John migrated to MS, first settling in Marshall Co. In 1837 at the age of 21 he married Ursula Amanda Rowland. According to the census of 1840 he was living in the "northern district" of Marshall Co with his wife and two young sons. He listed his employment as agriculture. By the mid 1840s John B. and his young family had moved to Tippah Co. MS. In May, 1847, he purchased 160 acres of land from John and Ezekial Law for . This land was located in Section 19, Township 1, Range 4 East. He sold this land in 1854 and 1855 and acquired additional land from his father-in-law William T. Rowland in Section 32, Township 3, Range 3 East. John B. and his family depended upon farming for most of their livelihood. He was an Elder in the Primitive Baptist Church, and for some years he pastored the Antioch Primative Baptist Church and Plesant Hill Primative Baptist Church. He also helped constitute Hopewell PB Church in Prentiss County, and was pastor there in 1880. He loved his country very much and believed it was his duty to defend it. He led in organizing a group of Tippah Co. volunteers known as the "Sons of Liberty". In Feb. 1862, he notified the authorities that "we the undersigned citizens of Tippah County..bind ourselves as soon as we have a sufficient number to organize a company of infantry and tender our services to the proper authorities of the Confederate States of America for 3 years or the war". The certification shows John B. Huddleston, Capt. This Company later became Company G 34th Regiment Mississippe Infantry. He enlisted March 17, 1862 for "3 years or the war". Captain J.B. Huddleston was the commanding officer. The company was made up of men from Tippah and Marshal Counties, Mississippi who volunteered to serve for "three years or the duration of the war". The Sons of Liberty were mustered into Confederate service in March 1862 and became Company G, 37th Mississippi Infantry Regiment. The 37th was sent to Corinth, Mississippi immediately upon organization and mustering in to defend that city from the advancing Federal troops under Ulysses S. Grant. John B. and the 37th Mississippi fought their first battle at Farmington, Tennessee against Federal troops advancing from Pittsburgh Landing. The date was 9 May 1862. From Corinth, the 37th Mississippi was ordered to Chattanooga, Tennessee. At Chattanooga, the 37th Mississippi was under the command of General Braxton Bragg. The 37th was with Bragg during his Kentucky Campaign and the Battle of Perryville during the summer of 1862. He was discharged July 4, 1862 at Tupelo, MS by "reason of surgeons certificate". In his later life he moved to the Bucksnort community of Prentiss Co. MS, where he died in 1891. Most of the Huddlestons of MS, especially North MS., trace their ancestry back to John B. Huddleston. Children
1.William Tanner HUDDLESTON b: 10 JUL 1838 2.Martin A. HUDDLESTON 3.Thomas W. HUDDLESTON 4.John David HUDDLESTON 5.Mary M. (Molly) HUDDLESTON 6.Margaret A. HUDDLESTON 7.Harrison I. HUDDLESTON 8.Robert E. HUDDLESTON 9.James A. HUDDLESTON 10.Jere H. HUDDLESTON 11.Virginia F. HUDDLESTON
From the meeting records of Plesant Hill Primative Baptist Church; July Term 1853 The church met in conference Saturday before the 3rd Lords day in July, and after worship, first a motion made and seconded, J. B. Huddleston chosen Moderator, then proceeded to business. Enquired for fellowship and peace abounds. Second invited brethren to seats. Third opened a door for the reception of members, no application. Fourth called for reference, none. Fifth Brother John Clemants presents his credential which the church received and furthermore for said Clemants to continue his gift. Done in conference, Saturday before the 3rd Lords day in July 1853 and signed by order of the church. John B. Huddleston, M.D. Thomas Hopper, C.C. also signed minutes at least thru. 1861, as reflected here in obits;
Done in conference Saturday before the 3rd Lord’s day in March 1861 J.B. Huddleston Mod. James W. Norton Ch. Clerk.
March Term 1863 Pleasant Hill Baptist Church at her regular term Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in March After preaching Bro. J.B. Huddleston set in conference requested Brother H.T. Rowland to act as Moderator protem April Term 1864 The Church of Christ at Pleasant Hill after preaching by Bro. J.B. Huddleston set in conference Bro. Huddleston moderating
Sunday morning: met a very orderly congregation after exhortation singing and prayer by Bro. J. W. Norton and preaching by Brother J.B. Huddleston the church went into the choice of a Pastor which resulted in the choice of J.B. Huddleston to go sia and out before us this April 17th 1864 William Norton C.C. Pr.
7th Eld. J.B. Huddleston our beloved pastor request be released from the Pastoral Care of the Church on account of the distance intervening and his bodily infirmity which the Church (though reluctantly) agree to do in all good feeling to the dear brother also it is unanimously for the Church that he visit us as often as practicable 8th The Church by common consent request Eld. M.B. Moore to assume the Pastoral Care of the Church which he agrees to do 9th Meet tomorrow at 9 O’clock A.M. at the pool (which has been constructed since our last meeting) to attend to the ordinance of Baptism 10th This being our Communion Season and preparations having been made we will commemorate the death and sufferings of our Savior by partaking Lord’s Supper and washing feet Signed by order the Church Sept. 15th 1865 dismissed in order William Norton CC. M.B. Moore Mod Sunday morning met according to previous arrangement a large and attentive audience in attendance six baptised preaching by Eld J.B. Huddleston and our Pastor afterward partook of the Sacrement and engaged in washing each other’s feet in obedience to the command of our Savior in presence of a large well ordered congregation dismissed in order J.W. Norton C.C.

Above picture is of John Branch Huddleston in middle with wife Ursula Amanda nee Rowland to the right
. Thomas Sr.8 Huddleston (Robert Sr9) #1116 was born in Amelia Co VA abt 1748. Thomas died 1818 in Amelia Co VA.
He married Millie Tanner in Amelia Co VA, 4/12/1774. (Millie Tanner #1117.) Thomas Huddleston Sr. was born in Amelia Co., VA around 1748. He married Millie (or Milly) Tanner of Raliegh Parrish, Amelia Co., there April 12, 1774. For some time there was confusion about he and Thomas Jr. because Thos. Jr. also married a Tanner named Martha. These two were cousins, which was common practice in those days.
Records in World Family Tree Vol. 8, tree #493 shed new light on the subject and it is now resolved in my mind. LCB Thos. and Millie had other children, but as of this date I do not have their names.
Thomas was a Rev. War soldier from VA, as was his brother, Robt. Jr.
Thomas Sr. Huddleston and Millie Tanner had the following child:
+ 234 i. Thomas7 Huddleston was born Abt. 1775.
. Thomas7 Huddleston (Thomas Sr.8, Robert Sr9) #854 was born in Amelia Co VA Abt. 1775. Thomas died 1823 in Amelia Co VA.
He married Martha Tanner in Amelia Co VA, 8/10/1799. (Martha Tanner #855.) The Ancestry of Thomas Huddleston was in confusion for some time due to the fact that both he and his father, Thomas Sr., married women with the surname Tanner. Thomas married Martha Tanner in Amelia Co. VA on August 10, 1799. She was the widow of Peter Willson, whom she had married May 2, 1796. The date and cause of Perer's death is not known to the writer. At the time of his death in 1823, Thomas was living in Amelia Co. VA. He was married to Martha Tanner, and they had 8 children. Three of the children, Mary, John, and William were under age. Our ancestor, John B., was 7.
Thomas was probably related to Thomas J. Huddleston (1769-1825) who married Sally Canada. For some time it was thought he might have been their son, rather than the son of Thomas who married Martha Tanner. The carrying over of names, and the marrying back into the same families caused some confusion. Thomas J was the son of Daniel (1735-1817) and Rachel Martin. Daniel was the son of Henry II (1706-1780) and Mary Wilkinson. Henry II was the son of Henry (1668-1706) and Elizabeth Cooper of Bucks County Penn. who were married in 1701. Henry is the earliest known Huddleston born in America. The Huddlestons emigrated to America from near Yorkshire, England and were shipbuilders and seafaring people. They were, as far back as records can be found, a God fearing family who lived with and for the benefit of their fellow man. Inscribed on their coat of arms is "SOLI DEO HONOR ET GLORIA" (Honor and Glory only through God). This has held true to the present generations whom it has been my privilege to have known and be related to . The first Huddleston to land on these shores was Capt. John Huddleston, of the Beuna Nova, who according to Governer Bedford of the Plymouth Colony, landed in 1620 and left a load of cereal grain, saving the colony from possible starvation. Governer doled out the food until the first harvest could be gleaned. There is nothing further known about Captain John other than he had tracts of land in the vicinity of Jamestown, Virginia. He is said to have died at sea, while sailing around the southern tip of South America. The earliest record of American Huddlestons is of a Valentine Huddleslton who immigrated to Maryland in 1663, and Henry Huddleston of Langhorne, Penn., who built a home at the corner of Main and Greene Streets and Maple Ave. On Dec. 23, 1688, Henry purchased 100 acres of land from William Hayhurst. In 1701 Henry married Elizabeth Cooper, a Quakeress, and he built a Quaker Meeting House there in 1706, although Henry was never a Quaker. The third generation of Henry's descendants migrated to Bedford County Va. about 1778. It is possible this is the ancestry of our Huddleston family. They were almost certainly related. They were hardworking, Godfearing people who were builders and craftsmen, as well as farmers, traits which were prevalent in our early Huddleston ancestors as well . Leslie C. Buchanan, from research contributed by many people.
Thomas Huddleston and Martha Tanner had the following children:
235 i. Elizabeth S.6 Huddleston #881 was born in Amelia Co VA 1802.
236 ii. Thomas W. Huddleston #882 was born in Amelia Co VA before 1815. He married Mary E. Childers in Tippah Co MS, 10/3/1860. (Mary E. Childers #1090.)
237 iii. Robert E. Huddleston #883 was born in Amelia Co VA before 1815.
238 iv. Martha F. T. Huddleston #884 was born in Amelia Co VA before1815. Martha died 1831. She married Peter Davenport 1828. (Peter Davenport #2108.)
239 v. Sara A. H. Huddleston #885 was born in Amelia Co VA before 1815.
240 vi. William C. Huddleston #887 was born in Amelia Co VA abt 1815.
+ 136 vii. John B. Huddleston was born 1816.
241 viii. Mary E. Huddleston #886 was born in Amelia Co VA abt 1820.
Robert Sr9 Huddleston #1119 was born in PA? or British Isles Abt 1720.
Robert Sr. is the earliest Huddleston ancestor of whom we have record. He was born around 1720 It is not known if he was born in Pennsylvania or whether he emiagrated there, possibly from near Yorkshire, England. Our first record of him is in Spotsylvania, PA, in the early 1700's. The earliest record of the Huddleston name we have found is of a Nigel de Hudelston who lived in Huddleston, a location near Yorks, England in A.D. 1110 and was Provost of the Archbishop of York. There was also a Sir Richard de Hondelston living at his manor house of Huddleston in A.D. 1262 Earliest records of the Huddleston family show them to be shipbuilders, cabinet makers, and seafaring people. They were very loyal subjects of the Crown, and many served in the military service of the Queens Guards, some listed as "killed in actions of war on behalf of the Queen".
Robert Sr Huddleston had the following children:
367 i. Robert II8 Huddleston #1118 was born Abt 1745. Robert died 3/3/1817. He married Mary Claiborne in Amelia Co VA, 1805. (Mary Claiborne #2590.) Robert Huddleston II was born in either PA. or Amelia Co. VA, most likely in VA. He, or his father Robert Sr., was probably in the group of Huddlestons who miagrated from PA to Virginia, settleing in Amelia Co. He died March 3, 1817 in Plantation, Amelia Co VA. We believe he was born abt. 1740 The following is from a publication about the Rev. War, and is probably refering to his son.
Robert Huddleston was born in Amelia County, Virginia, about 1760. According to Cordell's book he served in various organizations of Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War, and in 1834 was pensioned for his service. He migrated to Warren County, North Carolina about 1785, thence to Mecklenburg County, North Carolina about1800.....etc.