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Here's a collection of cool photos.
This is a picture of my grandfather Flavus Forest Huddleston and his wife, my grandmother, Lillie Palmer
Elbert Elam Huddleston's son, my grandfather(Flavus Forest Huddleston) with wife, my grandmother(Lillie Palmer)
Left top photo-Dad holding Vikki and me-I love that hat, right top- the radio station that now resides on what was left of Dad's 160 acre farm that we had in Scopus, Missouri Middle Grandpa Flavus Forest Huddleston with Vikki nee Huddleston in tub Bottom picture Grandma Lillie nee Palmer(Flavus's wife) to her right (her daughters) in same picture my Aunt Susie, my Aunt Florence, my Aunt Cleo and my Aunt Alice
Mrs. Necy Palmer Is 100Mrs Necy Palmer celebrated her 100th birthday last Thursday at the home of her daughter, Lillian Williams at Maury City. Mrs. Palmer was born and reared in Hamilton, Alabama and is the mother of 15 children of which five are still living. She came to Maury City three months ago to live with her daughter. Mrs. Palmer is in good health and walks about the place as she pleases. She has her natural teeth and does not wear glasses. She is a baptist.
My dad had saved this newspaper clipping and the picture is from the newspaper clipping. She was a sweet old lady but she had a mean disposition if you messed with her. I used to steal her donuts that she had at the end of the bed and she would take her cane and hook it around my neck and kindly told me to put her donuts back. I tried my best not to rile her. She, Necy Palmer was born Pernecy Green..
Dad, Mom, Sis, Me and family car
This is a picture of my great grandfather Henry A. Palmer and his wife, my great grandmother, Pernecy Green..